A Larry Legg BRIGHT IDEA! |
TIP - The right way of doing it! |
Larry shows a SECRET way! |
Using HOUSEHOLD stuff! |
Speed SKIP to next BIG thing! |
DONT MISS this item! |
Using FRUCTOSE SUGAR as a mountant
When you have a ready supply of Fructose Mountant, and all the other materials ready
to hand, we'll move on to make the slide!
This is our magic ingredient which helps to make slide-making more accessible to
younger people or, in fact, even to long-standing Microscopists. We are going to
make up a stock solution ready to use for making loads of slides. Remember though
that because we are going to make slides using a SAFE method, we are going to skip
a couple of important processes which would require the use of chemicals not
quite as safe to use for youngsters. This will mean that some specimens will not
be perfectly mounted for absolute clear 'viewing'- but we should end up with
slides acceptable to the beginner, who may then wish to move on and adopt the processes
omitted here to refine his or her future slides!
Pour some Frutose sugar into a clean dry
glass jar. Ideally, you want to fill the jar two thirds up to the top. Pack the sugar down
so it is firmly taking up the space in the lower part of the jar. Take a pencil or felt-tipped
pen and mark the level of the sugar in the jar. You do this by drawing a small dash on the outside
of the jar exactly where the top of the sugar reaches to.
Gently pour some de-ionised water into the jar. The sugar is very soluble and will start
to dissolve immediately causing the level to drop. You must keep adding water to maintain the level
to your original mark. When most of the sugar seems to have dissolved, you will notice the liquid is not
yet clear because it retains crystals of Fructose which still have not dissolved. Put the cap back on the jar
and leave it in a safe warm place overnight. This will allow time for all the sugar to dissolve and
you should end up with a nice clear liquid.
This is how it should look
when you put it away for the night!
This is how it should look
when you fetch it out in the morning!
You can use the Fructose in this strength (as mixed above) but I have found it easier
to mount the specimens I've done so far in a slightly weaker solution. Some things
tend to 'float' on top of the thicker solution and if you end up getting air bubbles
in the drop you use on the slide, they are more difficult to get out.
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