"Hi! I am Dot. I love my friends. I love to show them all about the tiny things in our world. I know quite a bit, mostly because I have a special power. I CAN SHRINK!
It means I can walk around the tiny world. I write lots of books for my very young friends so they can explore the tiny world around them. Anyone can come here and watch videos I make, or my older friends make, to help add to what I put in my books. Learn about each one my books below by clicking on the picture or go to the 'Access Free Support Area' for it."
The 'i-spy with my little Dot' is a series of books designed to take children on a thrilling ride into the world of the very small and help them understand a significant amount of knowledge about the tiny things that keep our world running. It helps them overcome any fears of 'creepy-crawlie' insects and prepares them to always learn about the things often over-looked in a modern world.
All these resources are part of our main site for better study of the small world.