Copyright © 1997 Microscopy UK

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Microscopy Top Site Award Winners

as voted by the Microscopy-UK Link Alert Team

Our aim: it's usually the large professional sites that steal the honours for the well-known Web site awards. So the Microscopy UK amateurs thought we would redress the balance. We seek out Web sites that have been put together by individuals and groups for the sheer love of their subject, and an enthusiasm to share their interest. It could be, for example, an individual's Home Pages or students putting an educational site together in their spare time.

Whoever they are, they deserve some encouragement! If you know of a site, (it can be your own!), that merits this award please let us know. The winners can display our award icon on their site if they wish.

Previous Award Winners

FEBRUARY 1997 - Nikon Small World Gallery
The Nikon Small World Gallery displays the winning entries in the Nikon Small World Competition, which is dedicated to furthering excellence in photomicrography. This annual event is open to anyone with an interest in doing photomicrography. We were particularly impressed with the site because it recognizes and rewards the outstanding work of microscopists the world over.

OCTOBER 1996 - Natural Perspective
This site seeks to encourage people to enjoy the beauty of nature as well as learn about the scientific aspects of it, an aim we share at Microscopy UK. The site is beautifully presented and illustrated. It describes and illustrates plant and animal groups and provides a gentle introduction to how they are grouped taxanomically. You can learn about particular species or taxanomic groups and the microscopic creatures are mentioned as well.

AUGUST 1996 - Fun Science Gallery
This is one of the few Web sites for the amateurs interested in microscopes, telescopes and other optical instruments. The site includes illustrated articles on how to build single lens microscopes and stereo microscopes. Practical projects using easily accessible materials are also presented which give a 'hands-on' appreciation of the principles of optical instruments.

JUNE 1996 - Protist Image Database
Of all the topics of study available to the amateur microscopist, the most preferred is that of 'pond-life'. For their astonishing lead in making an image database available on such a diverse subject as Protozoa. Brilliant images and clear site-structure makes this a 'must visit' for any amateur or professional with an interest in this area.

MAY 1996 - Microvision: home of Dennis Kunkel's incredible SEM images.
For his contribution to growing public awareness of the microscopic world by showing his incredible visions on the web. Our hats off to you Dennis... and the designers of your site! A first class site and a world leader!!

APRIL 1996 - Ed Neuzil's Home Page: Astronomy and Microscopy
For showing other web users the association existing between Microscopy and Astronomy - where both the telescope and the microscope are used to enlarge and enhance our perceptions of the Natural World.